I used to really be into magic and things. I would forever be talking about different kinds of fairies, I don't as much anymore. I remember as a kid there was a place in my garden, that has since been cut away, that was totally overgrown with a tree and plants. I loved sitting in there and I used to close my eyes and then suddenly open them in the hope I would see a fairy flying by or sitting on the mushrooms. I used to think I'd seen them too, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, or it was a bee, I'd like to believe though. My mum had this book of 'squashed fairies', I think I might have to have a rummage to go and find it after I've written this. I completely believed her when she said they were real fairies that had been squished like pressed flowers into the book. The fairies were incredible and looking at the artwork now, I'm in love with it still. I have books on fairies and different realms and things. So I'm going to agree with Peter Pan "I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!"
