I realised that if it wasn't for silly a-levels I'd be having a lovely easter. I'd love to be spending my time by the lock in Camden with chinese food like we used to all the time. Sadly this couldn't be the case. Thing is, I haven't even done much revision! For this I am not happy with myself as it means I've spent an unnecessary amount of time at home thinking about doing revision.
Although, I did get to escape from thinking about a-levels for a lovely two days with Lloyd to Brighton. It was all perfect and sunny and I wish I could be there now! Even the car journey was nice, lovely chats, good music sitting looking out of the sun roof which I was oh so fond of; I loved looking at the clouds pass with the intense blue sky... even if I was ridiculed and called a loser for it :)! Ah I wish I could go back in time, but reality forbids it!
Very good.
ReplyDeletegreat choice of picture ;D ♥